We think of losing control as being a bad thing.  Since we were young children we have been trained to never lose control.  Don’t lose control of your bladder!  Don’t let yourself get hysterical!  Don’t grab things, shout, run in random directions, grab your penis/vagina; and especially, most importantly, do not lose your grip on the reigns of life.  Many experience this feeling of being out of control, but few understand what is really going on when the chaos is overwhelming one’s life.

Many of us have felt overwhelmed; like you just want to crawl into a hole and come out when everything is over.  Well, sorry to tell you my friend; the show must go on and you are the lead role.  Besides…you aren’t furry and mouse-like are you?

No!  You are The Beast; the Wonder Woman of toughness and badassness!  And I’m going to tell you just how to be this tough and this badass when the world comes tumbling down. And the best part is that you won’t even have to lift a finger.  Really, to your friends, you will seem down right lazy and naive (and maybe even a little…slow).

So, what to do when the world expects the world of you.  Do nothing!  That’s what I do.  Of course, that is what I have had to learn how to do.  Doing nothing is one of the simplest yet most difficult things to do.

To our minds, everything is in our reality to be sought out, made sense of, and interpreted into the best and most likely scenario.  The worst part of this mental extrapolation is that our mind has very limited information (actually NO information) about the future.

Our minds work to jump to conclusions based on what we have learned, seen or been told.  Wrap your minds around this; everything we see is the past.  Huh?  Yes, everything must have light bounce off of it, hit our eyes, get interpreted by the brain; and then, finally, we are able to make a value based judgment about what we are seeing from the past.  So, in order for us to see into the future, we must be able to process information and move faster than the speed of light.  Hence, time travel, beam me up Scotty, and warp speed.  All of which seem to be possible on Star Trek.

So what is the point of all this extremely simplified, if not stupefied, version of nuero-physiology and nerd based sci-fi physics?  It is to remind you that running around in your head like a rat in a cage, worried about what is to come, and how you feel so helpless and out of control is very pointless.

If you have no foresight, of course you have no control!  The definition of insanity includes doing the same thing over again expecting different results.  If you haven’t yet realized, trying to control your life through planning, worrying and hitting the bottle then by definition, you are insane.  Sorry to break it to you like that; I have no tact.

If you choose to take yourself out of the ‘insane’ category, then I would suggest that you let go of trying to manipulate and squeeze life into this miniscule idea of how you think life should work.  After all, everything you believe is based on old stories and old facts.  It’s time to try something new and stop beating yourself over the head with a sledgehammer.  It doesn’t work and it doesn’t feel good.

WOW! There is a book called The Eagle and the Monk and it describes how to deal with personal upheaval. This looks like a must read for me…

Trust me, I have lost complete control over my life and I have the freedom of an Eagle and the worry of a monk.  The old saying is, “let go and let God.”  Avery wise woman told me this once, and I decided to try it again and again.  And each time I get different results, but always good results.  It is what allows me to continue living my passion, and it is what will allow you to live yours as well.

“Call me now for your free tarot card readin'”

If you want more information on how to do what I have done and overcome your need to be a control freak, then sign up for notifications of my new posts or just wait until I add a link to the part 2 of this post on how to let go of the freakishly weird need to control the future like some sleazy infomercial tarot card reader.  Until then, hang on, and know that there is hope of regaining some glimmer in your bleak reality.

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