What is Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient practice of energetic healing brought to the United States from Japan.  The word ‘Rei’ used in Reiki means ‘higher knowledge’ or ‘spiritual consciousness.’  Because the intuitive healing wisdom of Reiki is sourcing from God or your Higher Self, it is all-knowing.  Reiki knows what is ‘wrong’ within your field and exactly how to fix it.  Ki means ‘life energy,’ the stuff that makes our bodies function and what separates us from the deceased.

If your flow of energy is low or if there is an energetic or physical blockage, then you are more likely to get sick or have emotional problems.  Emotions left unreleased manifest in our physical body as pain, numbness, stiffness and more serious issues like chronic diseases and cancer.  Our bodies act as a machine to our minds by computing the signals from our mind into a physiological response in the body.  When left unresolved, emotional traumas act as triggers sending signals to the body as though the event from the past is still happening.  Years of stress caused by a single event will begin to put the body into an overload.  Our bodies respond to stress or negative thoughts with a corresponding frequency of energy which in turn develops into a ‘dead zone’ in the body where energy just does not flow.  This dead zone is vibrating at such a low-frequency that the vital life energy must flow around rather than through the area.  This is a conceptualised interpretation of how energy blockages can turn into illness and disease

The good news is that Reiki can reverse these blockages in the body and allow the body to be bathed in life energy again.  The rough news is that one must deal with the issues that have been kept in the closet all these years.  Acknowledging the beautiful game that the mind and body play with one another is very important when you want relief from physical ailments.  Reiki will assist with this transformation by allowing the bubbles lodged in your house of cards to rise for your assessment.

Opening up the blockages in your body will be the most painless and relaxing process but will be very profound when old fears, sadness and guilt are brought to the surface.  Reiki will help with this as well.  As long as you do not fight the process of healing, Reiki will help guide you through healing the past as well.  Reiki can never do harm.  It is ‘spiritually guided life energy’ that requires no guidance from the person giving or receiving the vibrational healing.

Reiki is a vital component to anyone wishing to transform their energy field in order to manifest a higher expression of one’s life.  Regular treatments for 4-8 weeks can have massive positive healing effects that will only catapult the recipient into a fresh new world with a new fresh perspective.  This is a must for anyone wishing to be truly happy and healthy while pursuing life’s dreams.

Because…I Lost Control of My Life

We think of losing control as being a bad thing.  Since we were young children we have been trained to never lose control.  Don’t lose control of your bladder!  Don’t let yourself get hysterical!  Don’t grab things, shout, run in random directions, grab your penis/vagina; and especially, most importantly, do not lose your grip on the reigns of life.  Many experience this feeling of being out of control, but few understand what is really going on when the chaos is overwhelming one’s life.

Many of us have felt overwhelmed; like you just want to crawl into a hole and come out when everything is over.  Well, sorry to tell you my friend; the show must go on and you are the lead role.  Besides…you aren’t furry and mouse-like are you?

No!  You are The Beast; the Wonder Woman of toughness and badassness!  And I’m going to tell you just how to be this tough and this badass when the world comes tumbling down. And the best part is that you won’t even have to lift a finger.  Really, to your friends, you will seem down right lazy and naive (and maybe even a little…slow).

So, what to do when the world expects the world of you.  Do nothing!  That’s what I do.  Of course, that is what I have had to learn how to do.  Doing nothing is one of the simplest yet most difficult things to do.

To our minds, everything is in our reality to be sought out, made sense of, and interpreted into the best and most likely scenario.  The worst part of this mental extrapolation is that our mind has very limited information (actually NO information) about the future.

Our minds work to jump to conclusions based on what we have learned, seen or been told.  Wrap your minds around this; everything we see is the past.  Huh?  Yes, everything must have light bounce off of it, hit our eyes, get interpreted by the brain; and then, finally, we are able to make a value based judgment about what we are seeing from the past.  So, in order for us to see into the future, we must be able to process information and move faster than the speed of light.  Hence, time travel, beam me up Scotty, and warp speed.  All of which seem to be possible on Star Trek.

So what is the point of all this extremely simplified, if not stupefied, version of nuero-physiology and nerd based sci-fi physics?  It is to remind you that running around in your head like a rat in a cage, worried about what is to come, and how you feel so helpless and out of control is very pointless.

If you have no foresight, of course you have no control!  The definition of insanity includes doing the same thing over again expecting different results.  If you haven’t yet realized, trying to control your life through planning, worrying and hitting the bottle then by definition, you are insane.  Sorry to break it to you like that; I have no tact.

If you choose to take yourself out of the ‘insane’ category, then I would suggest that you let go of trying to manipulate and squeeze life into this miniscule idea of how you think life should work.  After all, everything you believe is based on old stories and old facts.  It’s time to try something new and stop beating yourself over the head with a sledgehammer.  It doesn’t work and it doesn’t feel good.

WOW! There is a book called The Eagle and the Monk and it describes how to deal with personal upheaval. This looks like a must read for me…

Trust me, I have lost complete control over my life and I have the freedom of an Eagle and the worry of a monk.  The old saying is, “let go and let God.”  Avery wise woman told me this once, and I decided to try it again and again.  And each time I get different results, but always good results.  It is what allows me to continue living my passion, and it is what will allow you to live yours as well.

“Call me now for your free tarot card readin'”

If you want more information on how to do what I have done and overcome your need to be a control freak, then sign up for notifications of my new posts or just wait until I add a link to the part 2 of this post on how to let go of the freakishly weird need to control the future like some sleazy infomercial tarot card reader.  Until then, hang on, and know that there is hope of regaining some glimmer in your bleak reality.

Sometimes Life Gets in the Way

I heard someone say today, “Awww, that sucks; sometimes life gets in the way.”  I couldn’t help but chuckle.  How many of you have said this?  If you have or do say this, I hope what I have to say in this post will change your perception of life.  Find out what really gets in the way and how your perceptions have made your reality seem like life is getting in the way.

 <= “This tree keeps getting in my way.”

I used to be a believer in fate.  It’s one of those undeniable forces that traps you in situations that you don’t want to be in and leaves you no exit plan.  It is what made me and what has made so many people feel helpless. It is the same belief that made me suicidal.

Life does not equal fate.  There is not some divine plan and in reality life is meaningless.  We as humans have created symbols with meaning and we have such active imaginations that we even believe that life is some creature sent here to destroy our plans. 

Life is life.  It is created with each new thought, word, and action in a magical matrix that we call our reality.  If there were a fate synonymous with the energy of life, what would be its intention and why in the world would it want to damn you forever entrapping you in agony as it repeatedly gets in your way?

In order for fate to be real it would have to wreak the same havoc on everyone ultimately dooming everyone to sadness and failure…but somehow this is not true.  Some are happy even if they are living their lives with no legs or no arms or with neither.

I recently saw a man on YouTube who had no arms and no legs, but he was by far one of the most optimistic, inspiring and happy people.  Did ‘life’ get in his way?  Did he blame his life on the mythical creature called ‘fate’?  No, he didn’t.  He realized that life is just life.  Some are born with legs and arms and some are not.

Watch the man with no limbs.

What is real is awareness and your perception.  You can perceive life as getting in your way or as an ever existing opportunity.  Life can get in the way if you are struggling against its ever flowing current and this will show in your life as missed opportunities, defeat, annoyances, and the lack of ability to pursue your dreams.

Those who understand the process know that life is not what gets in the way of pursuit of dreams, it is attitude, beliefs and perceptions that get in the way.  Yet again we come back to optimism being the number one way to change your life along side gratitude for your life, of course.

If you can stop being so negative about what you have and about what you think might happen in the future, you can open up and invite possibilities.  Someone at the store may have just the information for you that could fulfill your wildest dreams, but they will never approach you if you are grumpy and cursing the ground that you walk on.  People can smell that kind of attitude from a mile away and all it will bring is more bad news and curses from people like you.

When you begin to take responsibility for life’s woes and realize that life has never done anything to you, you will begin to see the beauty in life and its perfect echo of who you are being.  Then, you will begin to realize how it has only seemed like life has been getting in the way.

Change your perception, take responsibility and quit complaining!  Life is too short to hate it and it is certainly too short to blame it; so put a smile on your face, put fate on the curb and enjoy the ride you are creating free of the road blocks you had labeled LIFE.

Happiness Comes from the 95%

Each day we are bombarded with horror stories that fill our databases with files of fear.  We are told to look out for certain kinds of maniacs and base our judgments off of the days compiled terrifying stories.  These dramatic stories override any hope of optimism as we conclude that we most certainly have a 95% chance that something bad will happen.  In our minds the percentage is so high because we decide that bad things can come from all angles; we have heard scary stories from all facets of life.

If we are to separate these frightening details from the possibilities of what could happen to us in our lives, we may be called naïve. Most people consider a person who does not heed warnings ignorant or immature.  The truth is we actually have only a 5 percent chance that something bad will happen to us.

Think of your life in totality and then think of how often bad things happen to you and you will realize that wandering around afraid of burglars, car accidents and lost jobs is really a big waste of time.  We are telling ourselves lies that keep us scared for our lives when in reality 95 percent of the time good things happen to us.  That is almost like scientific evidence supporting optimism.  You can support this fact on your own by looking at all of the good moments of your history instead of looking at the worst.

For instance, you are going about your day getting ready for work and you get in your car (the most dangerous mode of transportation) and as you merge onto the freeway this a-hole cuts you off.  Man you are pissed, but really nothing bad happened to you.  You go to work put on a fake smile for your boss and proceed to the break room for a cup of coffee.  Your coffee smells delicious and you can’t wait to bring it back to your desk where you have been hiding the last snickerdoodle from the baker’s dozen your coworker brought to work the other day.  As you walk down the aisle dreaming of your next vacation to Costa Rica, Bob, the annoying guy that sits across from you, jumps into the air leaping into the aisle with excitement about the stats of his virtual golf tournament just as you happen to be walking by .  He collides into your carefully poised arm and, wham!  Coffee everywhere.  All over your shirt, your pants, even your new tan sandloafer (sandals that look like loafers for the more professional atmosphere).  Day ruined.

You head home after your awful day at work only to find a mess that the dog left you at the front door and your head is pounding.  If you have ever had a day like this you probably hit the bottle and snarled at how horrible life is treating you.  But, did you ever stop to count the times that life was treating you like royalty, or were too wrapped up in your own bad attitude after the first incident of the day when you were so rudely cut off on the freeway?  Chances are 95% of your day went really well, but you didn’t take the time to breathe, smile and notice that you were still alive, still breathing, still intact and OKAY!

When you begin to realize that your world is all in how you perceive it, you will realize how you have been your own worst enemy for your entire life on this planet.  All you need to do is take responsibility for how life has been ‘treating’ you and realize that you have chosen to see the world as mostly bad 95% of the time leading you to believe things like the world is scary, bad, hateful and hurtful.

Stop!  Start counting your blessings 95% of the time and let the 5% be a reminder that not all of your life is bad and that it is actually really, really good.  If the worst thing that happened to you is having coffee spilled all over you, consider your self lucky.  When you make the switch from dwelling on the bad to having gratitude for the good, your reality will instantly flip like turning the window shades open.  Hey, you will even start to feel….happy.  Imagine that.  Happy.

In the Beginning: Who to Be

When starting on your journey you feel infinitesimal.  The world seems so huge as you open your eyes for the first time and rub the sleep from your feeble eyes.  Please know your timing is crucial.  You have chosen this moment, now, to be who you truly are and you are magnificently beautiful.

Your power, courage and strength is like the shining of light of 10,000 suns.  Do not confuse your fear for weakness, but realize it is your strength shaking away those parts of you that do not belong that have been manifesting as sadness, anger, bitterness and self-destructive behaviors.

When you begin to wring out the fabric of your life, draining the material of those parts of your being that no longer serve you, you will begin to feel uncertain and afraid.  The tendency is to cling to the past as each new moment presents itself for healing.  But that mode is outdated as you transmute the patterns of stuck energy and old habitual traits for new refreshing vibrations of just being.

This new replacement of the old you will be courteous of course allowing your mind and body to catch up.  As the new you moves along effortless, naturally with ease, the old pieces lodged in your body and mind with begin to crumble and sift away.  Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in the feelings, emotions, pain or panic.  Allow the bubbles to rise and pop freeing you from eons of torture and solitude.

When you cling tightly to these scraps that do not belong your being becomes weighted down and you will have the tendency to practice habits and old ways that are not always productive in order  to match the energetically bogged state of you being.  The sooner you realize that your fearful attachment to the rising tide is the culprit, the quicker you will drop it and sink like a ton of bricks into the sea of bliss.

There is sometimes a fear of getting into the water, but once you are fully submerged and acclimated you realize the water is just fine.  So fine that the only thing you long for is the state of being which elicits a feeling of pure bliss.  The only thing getting in the way is that part of you that fears submission to the powerful being of loving intention that you really and truly are.

What does it take to drop your baggage?  Must you run for miles, sit in strenuous mind manipulating meditation, or continue as you have with your vices and time?  Here is the divinity of the true answer to your search for happiness.  You mustn’t do anything.  Do nothing because no amount of doing will every bring you everlasting joy and peace.  In order to clear you being of the crud that has kept your reach for happiness just a fingertip’s distance away, you must simply be.

Being is the most natural state a human being can adopt.  It is in our true nature to just be, free of worries or stress.  Due to the fact that we must retrain our brains to adopt this natural, calm, blissful state; I will list some examples of how you can simply – BE.  Feel free to add your own examples in the comments of how you enjoy BEING.

– watching a beautiful sunset

– being aware of the gunk that your mind and body can produce (awareness shines a light on the ego posing as your true self)

-breathing fully and deeply

-practicing yoga, hiking, biking, swimming etc. with awareness of the motion and breath of your body

-people watching and observing any judgments your mind might spew out.

-observing beauty (especially finding beauty in the mundane)

-dancing, laughing, playing

-blessing everyone and everything even those and that which has been labeled ‘bad’ by your mind

-remembering your oneness with all and the true part of you that is within everyone and everything simultaneously, continuously and effortlessly.

And remember whenever you maintain awareness of your mind and body do not judge nor condemn but give praise and love to that part of you that is stuck and in need of acceptance and love.  Remembering to do this is key because when you bathe yourself in light from the love of acceptance even of your worst habits both mentally and physically, you will automatically allow that part of you to heal and grow.  Like a child in the arms of God you will nurture and lovingly allow yourself to disarm and discard the old scraps of the old you.

May peace be with you, always; all ways. With grace, God bless; namaste

Fake It

“Fake it ‘til you make it.”  Successful people talk the talk and walk the walk.  It is not enough to pretend that you are who you want to be; you must believe that you are becoming who you want to be.  That is what it means to fake it; it doesn’t mean pretend that you are going to be successful while you do not believe your dreams can come true.

How can you believe that your dreams will come true if you haven’t seen it happen yet?  It is this little nuance that keeps so many from ever succeeding.  It is those who trust that the path they are on will lead them to a desirable outcome that will make their dreams become real.  It is for this reason that you must rely on yourself and yourself only to believe in your capacity to succeed.  It is you and you only that will set the parameters of what is possible for you to achieve.

How are dreams made manifest?  A dream starts with a thought; it evokes detail in the mind in the form of images, words and illusions.  The illusions are quickly categorized by your mind as a possibility or impossibility as you reason with yourself as to what is really possible in this lifetime.  The first step in undertaking any new idea is consciously categorizing dreams in the box that is labeled ‘stuff I CAN do.’  This is the first and most vital step in changing your reality; and without this step you may never see your dream become a reality.  This is the most vital step.  It is the first big step in the direction you intend on heading.  Without consciously allowing yourself to believe that you can achieve your goal your mind will never send out the radio waves of creation.

Deep down this is the very reason that people are thwarted in their attempts to succeed.  Many of us have witnessed this failure from friends and family and it is imprinted on our mind’s halls of possibility.  What we may not have known and what she may have not known is that her dream was unconsciously categorized in the self sabotaging abyss of aggrandized delusions; and she could have changed the outcome by consciously focusing on placing the dream in the creative category of manifestation.  Your friend unknowingly destroyed any chance at success by not consciously assessing if she really believed that her dream could come true.

Many of us know someone who has done this.  They set out on an adventure that nobody believed would be happen including her, but everyone including her put on a hopeful face and cheered her on knowing that they would be there to comfort her when she failed.  She set out to sea without a sail and this is why dreams seem to never set sail.  The subconscious belief of what we can and cannot achieve is the seed to our garden of life.  Without the seed of belief, we are left with weeds of disbelief and sorrow.

Image from ayearwithoutmirrors.com

A Call to Action

This is a re-minder you that if we do not decide to make a change and do something about the problems that we see today, then the future is very uncertain for our children.  To fold your hands and respond to problems with the ease of irresponsibility is cowardice.  You might ask, “What can I do?”  How can you not do?

The solution was and is not in the outcome but in the implementation of the solution.

Fear is not to beget love.  The mere implementation of beliefs with the use of fear creates a misunderstanding and hatred of what would appear to be a positive solution.

Empowerment is the only way to the high road.  And this is not achieved by way of might makes right.

The question to be asked when implementing any standard is, “Is this helping or hurting others?”  One could argue helping others may be hurting some.  But some have been helped to more than their share and this is hurting everyone.  How can anyone be well off when another is starving to death?

Compassion is the key to any organization of ideas.  This is something that cannot be enforced but only given by the free will of others.

Responsibility is the ability to respond.  How many times have we all been offered the opportunity to respond in a manner that brings about the highest good for ourselves and others?  How many times have you chosen not to respond?  This lack of response does not resemble our times of triumph, but rather to the contrary.  Responding dutifully to a call to action that has been placed before you by our creator is glory to yourself and all whose lives you touch.  The joy is not only felt by the beholder but to all of humankind and the full magnitude of the energy of all that is.

Look at the word humankind; it literally says, “Kind Human.”  Is this not the solution to all our problems?  For if you are less than human, it can only be so that you are not your True Self.  And in this lack of honesty to yourself and the energy that created you in this existence, you call forth the least desired outcome.  Being less than who you truly are brings you less in your life.  By shedding fear and hatred in your life and to all who cross your path will bring you back up to your highest potential as a kind human.  This is the only hope for the continued existence of humankind in this reality.

Being less than you are to get ahead is not the way to empowerment but the way to imprisonment. Kind humans; it’s that simple.  Do onto others as you would like done; it’s The Golden Rule that commands the truth of our being.  Speak no slander and judgment unless you like to be judged.  What goes around comes around in the great circle of life.  The wheel spins and with each revolution we have the opportunity to change the scenery with our thoughts, words and actions.  What to do is as simple as who to be in your definition of this is really me.

Silent retreat is not the answer for we would have seen its results long ago.  Forging on with confidence and security is only seen in those making their mark through kindness and humility.  Sitting on the sidelines as others are tormented and abused is the great curse of silence.  To speak with truth and sincerity is love for your real self; not the self that you use to hide behind a curtain of fear and self righteousness.  Self righteousness leads to the path of the un-forgiven because who can forgive themselves for pinning their favor above all others?  Unless we take the rights we were given to speak and to act, we have nothing.  We have nothing to give; not to ourselves, not to anyone.

To take flight or retreat is saying, “No!” to opportunity and free will.  It is saying, “No thank you life, I chose the low road.”  The path of least resistance lies in practicing faith in yourself and doing what feels uncomfortable.  Because what feels comfortable to us all now is lying in our own filth, sweat and tears.

Your power can only be re-obtained by reprogramming your every waking thought word and action.  The conscious reprogramming of love into your life in place of the fear that has been passed down by generation after generation is the only true hope for humankind.  Look to the future and fear not, because this war is a spiritual battle (not religious) that can be won as each individual awakens to her or his true potential.

Imitation for Survival in the Herd

The answer to the loss of sovereignty that each of us faces lies within each individual as we all decide what it will take to change our individual enslavement to social conditioning.  The answer to freedom is unique to us all as we choose our own way to sovereignty.  Shedding light on how we have all been conditioned to become a herd of complacent sheep will further help you find your own reasons for changing the conditioned patterns in your life.

What is the cause of our habitual thoughts and behaviors that have kept us trapped in the status quo inhibiting our ability to do what we feel is okay?  Social conditioning is the shaping of the collective biases, beliefs and behaviors that are shared among a group of individuals as a whole.  It is the instinctive qualities of the individual reacting to the emotions and behaviors of the herd.  It is the herd mentality that shapes our perceptions, reasons and beliefs.  It is a very natural and vital component to the survival of a primitive species.  We feel safe in its irresponsible brashness, and at the same time fear the consequences of exile from this self correcting, collective consciousness.

The shaping of beliefs starts when we are babies.  We learn from others how to be and how to act and eventually how to think.  What begins as a learning process of imitation is vital for learning language, emotions and physical expression; but when the imitation becomes habitual it becomes mimicry.  Mimicking what others do out of habit, fear of ridicule and lack of free thought is what has turned the world into a flock of sheep.

There are many reasons we chose to imitate other people, but all the reasons have one thing in common; imitating someone else must have a benefit.  Some reasons for imitating are silly and some are valiant, but each person imitates another because there is a perceived value to acting like someone else.  The advantages could be for self esteem, personal satisfaction, or self preservation, but the reality is that everyone who imitates someone else is never being themselves.  Pretending to be like someone else always comes down to a deep seated need to survive whether it is to socially fit in, avoid pain or gain wealth and power.

If imitating someone helps you achieve your goals and adheres to your personal values, then imitation can be a valuable tool for achieving success; but all too often this is not the case.  Most people pretend to be like other people to increase their self-esteem by adopting the ideals and mannerisms of other people.  Just who do the majority of us imitate if the goal is self-preservation and an upgraded social status? The group that is imitated can be categorized by their high level of social status, and it can include anyone that is well respected in a certain community or has a lot of money and fame.  Even if imitation of these social propagates is indirect, we are repeating norms from someone who is directly duplicating the socially adept.  One way or another, we are indirectly repeating styles, ideas, biases, beliefs and behaviors.  So we can say that most if not all of our thoughts, words and actions are not unique or original to our own selves.

Your only hope is the conscious reprogramming of your thoughts and beliefs and becoming a person who is truly unique and original.  The answer is unique to you and it lies within as you pinpoint which aspects of yourself are not your own and do not serve your goals or values.

What Stops You from Succeeding?

Fear of the unknown and what might happen in the future has stopped you from pursuing a new career, talking to that beautiful single woman in the park, or deviating from anything that society would deem a normal and safe path.  Fear of failing miserably keeps us trapped in our own miniscule bubble of reality never allowing a glimpse of what lies outside of the bubble.  Your mind is unable to fathom the unlimited possibilities of potential and so when you think of something new you would like to try, you instantly allow thoughts of your worst case scenario begin to consume your mind.  Instead of gleaming in the possibilities of the future and imagining all the unlimited potentials, we allow our minds to take control of the ride and impose self defeating road blocks.

These imagined hurdles may not even be real.  In fact, most hurdles are nothing more than a crack in the side walk.  It is your imagination that places a magnifying glass in front of them, turning the cracks into 10 foot walls.  And because you cannot see through the ten foot walls and therefore see into the future, you turn around 180 degrees in your daydream and head back to your more secure present reality thus sabotaging your dreams for fear of uncertain outcome of your imagination.

Hurdles are just a defense mechanism of your brain because just like computers they do not like uncertainties.  They cannot think for themselves because one of our brain’s only purposes is to process information like a computer’s operating system.  It receives stimuli from our senses and begins interpreting the input based on previously stored information.  It catalogs every moment into categories and files and then interprets new data based on what the old files read.  Asking it to come up with details for future events that it has not yet perceived is like asking your laptop to tell you what will happen in your life today.

When confronted with images created by your imagination that do not fit into any of the categories from the stories that you have cataloged from your past, your brain will glitch.  It will panic and give you images that act like links directing you back to your home page of the present moment.  Once you are back into your brain’s limited reality it will reward you with comfort in knowing that your choice to not act is based on realism.  Yet the realism you are comforted by is the perpetual trap that keeps you frozen in time lingering in fear of your uncertain future. Your mind cannot possibly know how events will unfold, but if you never do anything out of fear of the false scenarios that your brain is making up about the future, then you will never try anything new.